Andy's Story
Names have been changed to protect people's identities
Andy's Story
Taylor was also part of the Mayor’s Citizen Led Engagement Programme, and performed a spoken word poem at City Hall which was subsequently shortlisted for a Team London award.
Andy's behaviour and academic work was deteriorating due to a complicated home life. Thanks to Father 2 Father's Boy Genius 7 I's approach, Andy grew in confidence and even took part in volunteering during our Community Events
The Situation
Andy was having difficulties at school due to the domestic violence that he had witnessed whilst living with his father. Subsequent to the Local Authority’s intervention and his father being removed from the family home, Andy's behaviour deteriorated, as well as his application to academic work. On top of this, there were also concerns expressed by the allocated Social Worker and Andy’s mother as to what he would do during the summer holidays, as he spent much of his time idle.
Father 2 Father Involvement
Once the Local Authority made the referral, they asked Father 2 Father to supervise contact visits between Taylor, his brother and father. This was agreed and the F2F Boy Genius Team Leader met up with the boys and their father to supervise the visits.
After engaging with Boy Genius, Andy was offered to be part of the Community Events Committee. Despite never having previously taking part in volunteer work, Andy agreed to be part of the project. Over the summer of he completed over 50 hours of volunteering. During which Andy built positive and caring relationships with community residents, particularly bonding with one resident who became Andy’s good friend and mentor.
Andy was also part of the young men that joined the Father 2 Father team at City Hall to meet the Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London
Through his relationship with Father 2 Father and his engagement with Boy Genius, Andy’s confidence grew substantially. Being involved in a positive activity throughout the summer kept him occupied and stimulated. As a result, Andy even made a new friend through his volunteer work, in which valuable lessons were learnt by both through sharing and receiving experiences.